Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Februrary 15th

I'm doing good. It's been stressful. When you become a spiritual leader to the people you teach you get a lot of baggage thrown on you and it gets overwhelming. So Elder Bunton and I are using today to relax with good ole board games.

Here's the thing about seeing sights in Seattle. I drive by every single one every day. We were at the Seattle Center on Saturday night and there was a Zulu show going on. Its like an art show with graffiti. It was way sweet. They had tarps up with boards and they were tagging the boards. It was funny because one of the kids not in the show was cleaning paint off the sidewalk where he had sprayed something.
We have 4 people preparing to be baptized. Same old Same old with them nothing too exciting with that.

Its crazy to me how messed up people can get. Jesus probably saw a lot of bad stuff as He walked through all the bad parts of the Jerusalem area but it never phased Him.
Anyways i had a dream a couple nights ago and don't remember what it was about. I don't have dreams so it was kind of weird with this one. The only thing i remember is waking up in the middle of the night with a distinct impression that i need the large print scriptures. I remember that i used them to help someone but that's all i remember. I'll get a set probably at my next temple day if i don't get transferred into the temple area.

Elder JJ

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